Fee Payment Details
Mode of payment
Off-line (Fee counter)

  • The school fee should be remitted in HDFC Fee Counter outside
    the school campus near HDFC ATM.
  • Fee can be paid in the form of Cash/Cheque/Credit card/Debit
    card, without extra charges.
  • The fee receipt obtained from the fee counter at the time of
    payment should be preserved for any future reference.
    On-line Payments: School Website bsrkv.edu.in
    The fee payment modules are a smart, safe and efficient way of
    viewing and paying your ward’s fee on-line.
  • HDFC GATEWAY: Extra charges NOT applicable.
  • ATOM TECHNOLOGIES: Extra charges applicable.
  • The following steps outline the process of payment:
  1. Go to the school Web site bsrkv.edu.in
  2. Select Payment Gateway and login by using your ward’s
    admission number, common password (bsrkv) & proceed to
  3. Pay the fee using Debit card/Credit card/Net Banking.
  4. Please check the charges before you make the payment, through
    Atom Technologies.
  5. Final payment confirmation is received on your ward’s LOGIN
    PAGE, after the payment.
  6. In case of any issue contact school FRONT OFFICE –
    9959112561 between 9 a.m.& 1 p.m. on all working days